Hi everyone! We are Kelly and Yvonne, and we're super excited to start this blog together and share them with you :) as a way to kick things off we thought it would be fun to each come up with four questions for each other and ask them kind of interview style, so you can get to know us a little better. So let's get started!
Kelly on the left, Yvonne on the right!
Introducing Kelly: Yvonne asks the hard-hitting questions
Who/what inspires you the most?
It might be a bit silly
but pretty things. Putting together an outfit to showcase one particular
item makes me happy and so I'd say that's what inspires me about
fashion. The act of creation.
In terms of people, the only
person I can really think of is Yvonne who encouraged me to take an
interest. I don't really follow celebrities or anything like that so I
don't have an answer along those lines.
If you had to pick one pair of shoes to wear for the rest of your life, what would they be?
I did consider a sensible but pretty pair of black flats but it would
have to be flat ankle boots because I need to have enclosed shoes for a
lot of the things I want to do.
When it comes to buying clothing, do you think being frugal and cheap are the same thing?
No, I think 'cheap' is a style. It's reminiscent of gaudy baubles and
flashy, fake attire whereas being frugal is simply managing your money
so that you can buy pieces that allow you to show your style without
going outside your means.
Why did you decide to take part in this blog?
think I decided to take part because I'm doing a male-orientated
degree, engineering, and sometimes that means losing sight of interests
like fashion. They can result in some ribbing from the boys when you
gush over bags or shoes but it's important to me that people realise you
can be both - an engineering student AND happy with how you look.
Dressing well makes me feel good, I want people to see that.
Introducing Yvonne: Kelly asks some philosophical (yet stylish) questions
Who inspires your sense of fashion most?
I get my
inspiration from a lot of things, but if I had to stick to WHO inspires
me, it would most definitely have to be other bloggers, and youtubers.
Some particular ones that come to mind include Jenn from
clothesencounters, Claire from
heyclaire, Connie from
kisforkani and Lua
What do you think the defining elements of your style are?
I think my style is very eclectic, and extremely dependent on mood. I
don't think there would be a true label for my overall style, although
lately I have been moving towards a more laid-back rocker look. Think
denim, collars, a little bit of leather and studs.
If you could purchase one complete outfit, regardless of cost, what would it be?
is a tricky one. There isn't exactly one true 'complete' outfit I can
think of. I have lots of individual items in my head, if that counts? :P
I would love to own a Burberry coat, or a Prada bag. They're timeless
and classic to me and scream effortless and chic.
What is your favourite landscape view? Do you think this reflects your clothing choices?
My favourite landscape view....I have to pick ONE?! :P I enjoy photography a lot so this makes it a hard question to answer. I love going to outlook posts along the coast. Trekking up a hill, and finally reaching the viewing area with the wind in your face and the vast swelling ocean before you. It gives me a lot of perspective in life and for a moment I feel so incredibly small. I think it reflects my clothing choices in that it reminds me how mortal I am, and therefore how little I should care about what others may think. Dress for yourself, and make yourself happy.
Whelp, that's all folks! We hope you enjoyed reading and can't wait to get started regularly posting! Happy reading and we'll see you next time!